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West Cumberland Engineering Apprentice Lands EPA Distinction!

Adam Procter, a 4th Year Plater at West Cumberland Engineering, has earned himself a distinction in his End Point Assessment. Adam completed his Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering through Lakes College West Cumbria in November earning himself a pass with distinction.

Adam started his career with West Cumberland Engineering after joining as part of the PPP internship scheme. Adam had previously been to Energy Coast UTC and studied Level 1 Machining, Mechanical and Welding and Level 2 Machining and Mechanical diploma, however this was unexpectedly curtailed and he agreed he would start as a Level 1 apprentice at WCEL.

Adam had applied for three internships and had been accepted for all three. He felt he was best suited to engineering, and chose West Cumberland Engineering due to the ethos of personal and professional development throughout the company. He explained that WCEL “show really good interest in helping develop you, your skills, and your knowledge. It is a great place to work.”

He has since developed well in to his role, winning the Lakes College Engineering Apprentice of the Month for November and being involved in PPP projects such as Tanks & Vessels, F1.2 wallboxes & encast items, F5 Pump & Valve and F19 Pipebridge, for SIXEP Continuity Plant (SCP).

West Cumberland Engineering Managing Director Callum Woodend has high hopes and expectations for Adam, saying

“Adam has been an exemplary Apprentice showing a fantastic attitude and work ethic to not only his college work and apprenticeship, but also to the high-status projects he has worked on. Starting his apprentice all over again after two years, shows how much of a resilient, committed individual he is and he deserves all the recognition for obtaining a distinction in his level 3 Diploma. I wish Adam all the best in his new role as a fully qualified plater and hope that he is a role model to our current and future apprentices.”

Mechanical Apprentice Supervisor Dave Norman commented on Adam’s performance, “Adam has been an exceptional apprentice, he has been entrusted to work on some very high profile production projects for quite some time. Adam is an exceptional role model to other apprentices at the Shepley Group.”

Adam is one of 95 apprentices at the Shepley Group and a stellar example of what is possible with hard work and determination. All Shepley Group businesses are built around a highly skilled workforce and by investing in apprenticeships and training we can develop the next generation to ensure we continue to deliver the high quality work we are renowned for.